Gift Ideas for Male Nurse Boyfriend or Husband

The number of male nurses has rapidly increased in the last few years. We wanted to make sure we got out there, and prepped their girlfriends and wives on what they may want in a gift. As always we include affiliate links where possible, but in general, we maximize for the best possible gift ideas.

Comfortable shoes – There’s an older MEDSURG survey out there that found that nurses typically walk 4-5 miles in an average 12-hour shift. He’s probably burning through shoes if they want to stay comfortable.

TRX – the reasoning behind this gift, along with the next one, is that their weird hours often preclude them from getting gym memberships. Give them fitness at home.

Adjustable barbells – see above. Gyms are a waste if you work hours that keep you from going. These are cheaper than him having to buy a whole set and take up way less room.

Audible subscription – Not sure if he can wear headphones at his particular work, but at least in the ride to and from work, this would be a great gift. He probably doesn’t have much time to read conventional books.

“X” Tickets – once you figure out their schedule it would be cool to find a day he’s off and surprise him with gifts to a musician or comedian they like

In-town vacation – get a hotel room for you and him in the city you live in. Try to stay in a part of town you rarely go to and try walking around and finding a restaurant there.

Lunchbox backpack – he probably carries a lot of stuff in and out of work. Keep him handsfree for his lunchbox/cooler at least, by getting him a masculine backpack cooler. This is cool for for outside of work too.

Punching bag – I’m sure work is an absolute mind fuck. Let him work off his steam with a punching bag. He may not even of thought of getting one, and once he has it, will realize how stress relieving it is. It also makes your back swole. He’ll like that.

Sous Vide – These things are great for people that want to come home and have a quick cooking experience — i.e., a NURSE! He can use this to get everything up to the perfect temperature while he’s at work, then just flash sear it when gets home.

Espresso machine – Hopefully they already have a coffee maker, and they can slam espressos in there too for homegrown black eyes and red eyes.

Now on to what he really wants

Alright, those are regular schmegular gifts. Now let’s get him some “real” gifts. Let’s get him some LINGERIE. He’s going to love this, because the recommendations we’re making are from the male’s point of view! We know what we like.

Connected strappy bra thong thing – this looks skimpy so we love it. This is on the expensive side of lingerie, and we couldn’t care less how much it costs. so feel free to skip onward for cheaper options.

See thru skirt, that really isn’t a skirt – If a skirt doesn’t actually cover you ass at all, it’s a mind blower. Hope you don’t mind him asking you to wear this every single day inside the house.

Show him EVERYTHING IMMEDIATELY teddy – These things are like fantasy fodder. he won’t ever forget what you looked like in this.

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